Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 15-18, 2010

Hey, four whole days. That's a new record. Luckily, nothing even the slightest bit interesting happened in the past four days. If it did, I didn't notice it. Gloom gave way to exhaustion, as the weekend turned out to be pretty damn busy. Went out drinking with Joejums Sunday night and spent all day Monday hungover, and stayed up all last night watching current and vintage "Doctor Who". Not quite as gloomy and down as I have been, but I'm not planning on leaving the house tonight. I got a boatload of movies from Netflix to catch up on and, in any event, I simply do not want to leave my room. In fact, I wish I could get someone to cook for me for once. Ah, well.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 13-14, 2010

I remain in a gloomy mood, but not quite the nasty suicidal one from the other day. Still, I'm not happy and I have no idea what to do about it. Everyone has ideas, of course, but I don't understand how to just all of the sudden start dating or figure out something useful to do with myself. It'd be nice if I had one person to talk to, but I don't feel comfortable even bothering Jaybee or Little Brother with... what? I can't even express it.

Oh, well.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 11-12, 2010

Fuck this shit, man. This just isn't worth the effort.

I woke up in a bad mood this morning, and before I could get myself in a better mood, I got a call from Junior. He had to go to his baby brother's confirmation and needed me to pick up his shift. Being the sap that I am, I of course said yes. Therefore, I only got one day off and won't be off again until probably Tuesday. Which means, given how irritating work is lately, I'll be in a shit-ass mood for at least four days.

I'm not having fun. I'm miserably lonely, maybe even more so than I was in Athens. I got nobody to talk to, either within reach or on the phone, and I'm still convinced none of my "friends" give a shit one way or another. I still have absolutely no idea what do with myself apart from blowing my brains out. I just don't see the point.

Feh. On the upside, I did like Fahey's. They gave me books, including Harry Harrison's The Stainless Steel Rat. Looking forward to reading that. Plus, I'm reading Dorothy L. Sayers The Nine Tailors and it's pretty good. It's sad the best things in my life are old mystery and sci-fi books.

Monday, May 10, 2010

May 7-10, 2010

Three days since I last wrote. Ask me if I care.

Anyhow, not much to report, really. Work was fairly slow and nothing interesting to report. One of the Asian ladies quit yesterday, so I wound up having to work for her. Of course, that's cool and groovy with me, as I do not like night shifts anyway, and as I don't have to work until Thursday, my weekend started at three this afternoon.

Right now, I'm watching The Reivers with Steve McQueen as Boon Hogganbeck. So far, it's quite enjoyable in a Disney-in-the-sixties way as much as a story about a redneck stealing a car to take a 10-year-old boy into a Memphis cathouse can be. Maybe later I'll swing by Cosimo's afterwards.

Friday, May 7, 2010

May 5-6, 2010

The last two days of my three-day vacation were, more or less, fairly pleasant. I cleaned the bathroom yesterday and, in the evening, cooked myself some pinto beans, cornbread and mashed taters and watched the final two episodes of Masada, a miniseries about the legendary siege of the Jewish fortress. Later on, I went to Cosimo's and talked strippers with the Lesbian Bartender.

Today, after mailing Momma's Mother's Day card and depositing my paycheck, I rode the bicycle out to the city park. On the way out there, I went down Treme, following Google Maps, but I don't think I'll do that again. Coming back, I took Esplanade and it was a much easier route. After the ride, I went to Washington Square for an hour or so, and then came back home. I'd intended to check out a bar called Fahey's, but wound up falling asleep reading. I'm pretty beat now, so I think I'll go on to bed.

Work tomorrow. Bleh.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 3-4, 2010

Ya know, I'm doing this every two days, sometimes more. Eventually, it'll be once a week, and there is no way in blue hell I'll be able to remember all that goes down in a week, even one that's as uneventful as mine. As I know I've said before, I really don't enjoy this, it's not having the desired affect of spurring my writing, and I honestly don't care. It grows more pointless with each entry.


Monday I worked with Old D, the Big Man's buddy, and it was fairly steady. I spent the whole evening catching up and was pretty much dead tired the entire time. The evening ended off with two 12-tops of French people who were, apparently, determined to live up to the stereotype.

After another sleepless night, I pulled myself out of bed this morning and went out to the DMV to finally get my license. The place is huge and crowded, but I was in and out within a half-hour. One old lady before me in line was all pissed off about something and got even more pissed off that I wasn't pissed off. Cest la vie.

Afterwards, I went out to the Wal-Mart on Tchapitoulas and bought me a crock pot. Afterwards, I took a fairly brutal nap, did some laundry, ordered a decent pizza from Reginelli's, and I'm currently watching Masada, a 1981 mini-series based around the historical siege of the same name. It's not bad. Got Peter O'Toole in it, so at least he'll be worth watching. I also started Ursula Le Guin's Changing Planes at the laundry mat, and it's enjoyable, as well.

Beyond that, nothing. Going to cook me some beans, cornbread and mashed taters tomorrow.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 2, 2010

Man, we were busy. Worked with Junior and we did something like $2100. The Boss Man told Jojums - his roommate and old school pal - that if he didn't bring in the customers, he'd get canned. Godalmighty, I hope he don't do that to me tonight. I'm fucking beat. Woke up Sunday morning feeling like someone worked me over with a baseball bat. Otherwise, things went as usual. One more night than three days off, and it comes none too soon, believe you me.